Nepenthes spec. West-Papua



Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, typical pitcher, growing at 3300 m above sea level, notice the beautiful red earth-orchid growing beside it!

Nepenthes spec. W-Papua,, typical pitcher, growing at 3300 m above sea level



Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, upper pitcher

Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, pitcher in habitat



Plant of Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, clump of plants, usually the plants are not climbing

Typical plant of Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, growing at 3300 m about sea level in open habitat



Nepenthes spec. W-Papua in habitat

Young plant of Nepenthes spec. W-Papua, notice the rosette with infundibulate pitchers and flowers



Our guides at open ridge, habitat of N. spec. W-Papua at 3300 m above sea level
Habitat of N. spec. W-Papua at 3300 m above sea level



Nepenthes spec. W-Papua is adapted to very high altitudes at 3100-3500 m alt..Here it is growing in open habitats between rocks and small shrubs. Usually it grows just as a rosette, sometimes growing in small clusters. It usually bears infundibulate pitchers and flowers directly out of the rosette. The colour of the pitchers is sometimes yellow, but mostly they bear a beautiful, shiny red colouration. The climate at this habitat is very rough, most of the day it is rainy or misty and the temperatures at night drop down until 5°C, it is even recorded, that water is frozen in the pitchers. It seems to be very closely related to Nepenthes lamii, a more gracile, climbing plant with usually globose-tubular pitchers.



Copyright of all pictures by Dr. Joachim Nerz (JN)(